There is rarely a day goes by when I do not think….
how lucky we were to have you develop the most amazing computer program!
Hello, I’m Michael Rocharde. I’ve had a very interesting life. I’ve lived in 7 countries (England (where I grew up), Germany, the Sultanate of Oman, Costa Rica, the South of France, the United States (8 different States) & Spain), learned 4 languages (German, Arabic, French & Spanish) and have been a full-time professional FileMaker developer since 1987.
I’ve always tried to ‘push the envelope’ with FileMaker, and several years ago, I developed a unique framework where, literally, everything happens on a single scrreen, thus preventing users getting lost or confused. It’s called NautilusFM, and I use it for every single project I do, because it is fabulous to develop with.
In addition to FileMaker, I do multiple other things. Below you will find links to all of those different things so click on any one that you are interested in.
I live in Spain, right on the Mediterranean. In fact, if I was any closer to it, I would be living in a tent on the beach). The town I live in is a fishing port called Santa Pola and is just south of Alicante, which is about 2 hours south of Valencia. Santa Pola is a magical place. Everybody I know who lives here feels the same way, but none of us can explain what it is.
My focus these days has changed so that I have a great work/life balance. I take on very few FileMaker™ projects, but I do a lot of meta-consulting and develop vertical market solutions. I also travel around Spain, taking lots of photographs, and then incorporate those into short videos.
Click on any of the logos below to go to that page or site.