NautilusFM is a development framework for FileMaker where everything happens on a single screen. The underlying principle behind it is “If you ever leave home, you can’t ever get lost!”
I spent over a year developing it, and then released it under an Open Source license (BSD) so that anybody can use it. So far, more than 250 developers in 42 countries have downloaded the FREE example file.
I am currently developing a range of fully customizable, vertical market solutions using NautilusFM. The framework allows me to develop these solutions incredibly quickly, but they are not lightweight, and have tremendous power and flexibility.
I am open to, and very interested, in talking to developers who are interested in developing their own NautilusFM solution(s).
BookIT has been developed for agencies offering coach trips, providing a very fast way of setting up the various offerings, and then being able to rapidly take bookings without having to ask for the same information multiple times.
It is completely customizable for different types of businesses that take bookings.
GolfGuru has been developed for agencies offering golf reservations, providing a very fast way of setting up the various courses and rates, and then being able to rapidly take bookings without having to ask for the same information multiple times.
It is completely customizable for different types of businesses that book golf courses, and/or schedule group events..